Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome to Campus Life

Dear brothers and sisters..

            Welcome to MMU and the starting of your university life. Congratulations for being accepted into MMU.  It shows that you guys are the selected ones among the best. Alhamdulillah!

            University life can be hectic and tiring at times. Being a new student, bet its worst! (yup! its totally fine that you find yourself lost in this small campus, it’ll get better after a few weeks, InsyaAllah) But campus life is more than just going to classes and attending lectures. Its beyond the four walls of CLC and FSER. It is a life full of exploring and learning experiences. Get to know new people and let’s celebrate the diversity of students in MMU. Get yourself involve in healthy activities around the campus.

             Learn, Explore and have Fun! But let’s not forget one thing~ the Hope and Faith that our parents have given us. Away from home, friends are the person closest to us and the person we relied most on. Choose friends that will benefit you and can help you through your ups and downs and ones that will remind you of your responsibility as a muslims and as students.

Enjoy your life as university students.

Work hard and have Fun!

Keep in Mind your duties as a Muslim and a Student.

Ina Shafina binti Sahimi
Vice President 1 of Usrah Institution 2010/2011
Bachelor of Law (Epsilon)
Multimedia University
Malacca Campus

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